Make believe, fighter planes, on your six! Marbles,
shooting for the purple one, missing it, shit,
pogo stick, fantasy, sword fight, dying,
orc attack, target practice, knock the arrow; miss.

Groceries, pick a snack, only one, quiet;
Mom is on a diet, don’t know what that means;
Tom and Jerry right at noon, Mom goes in her room,
sneaking to the PC, quiet; getting bad dreams.

Climbing tree could hit the house, so Daddy buzzed it down;
shooting from the three point line, making angry faces;
Computer games, shoot ’em up, only as the good guys;
Dad said so, “or else”, eyebrows, then he tied my laces

Lego pile, dump ’em out, build a college campus;
Hannah left three weeks ago, never coming back;
bad guys, blaster fire, classrooms lay in pieces,

Kitty pads into the room, pet her and get scratched.

